The other night two young men were out enjoying a few drinks. When the time came for the bill to be paid, one of the young men had found he did not have his credit card. The other had $40 on him but this young man was clearly distraught, embarrassed, and panicked over not knowing where it was. He tried to pay what he could and asked if he could call in with his card if he was able to find it. He lived nearby and wanted to make good on the bill. I told him to keep the cash. If he was unable to locate the card I didn’t want him without any money in his pocket and let him know he could reach me by phone. He called less than 15 minutes later and said he had his brother’s credit card and could pay for it. I was impressed by this young man’s integrity and need to do the right thing. His little brother could pay for the majority of the tab but not all of it. At this time I told him “you know what, I’m really happy you are trying to do the right thing and because of our company’s desire to share Random Acts of Kindness, I am in the position to do something for you tonight and alleviate at least some stress by taking care of the tab”. He just couldn’t believe it. The two boys were on the phone together and just couldn’t stop thanking me and apologizing for not coming out prepared. He continued to offer to pay when he found it and really wanted to make good on the debt but I assured him that it was a clean slate and he could rest easy about it. I asked him to share the Act of Kindness and Pay it Forward. That’s when I could hear the sincerity when they both thanked me and said “You know what? This kind of stuff just doesn’t happen and it’s really an incredible feeling, honestly. Thank you.”
Comments 2
Love this 🙂
update- These young boys came in last week when i was doing my overnight clean/painting party. They recognized me and came over to the DR side to thank me. One of them is between homes and having a tough time and said he was truly grateful for the kindness. The other said when he came back the next day, he paid the tab and asked for me but i was not working. I couldn’t believe he came back even though I said it wasn’t necessary. He actually picked up a shift and worked that morning (at the 99s) and dropped off the money for us. They both gave me a hug and said they come back just for me. We made die hard fans of TBones.