Happy Monday Happy National RAK Week
In honor of the first day of RAK week I chose the last guest in the lounge tonight. I recognized a guest I’ve seen many times but having not worked on the bar before I was not on a first name basis with this gentlemen. He’s always smiling, pleasant and engaging with the bartenders. So I introduced myself and shared my excitement for celebrating a week that gives people a chance to do something nice for absolutely no reason other than they can. He already has someone in mind that he thinks will be a worthy recipient of a RAK certificate to pay it forward and after some idle chit chat he thanked me for such an awesome way to end his night. He was only in for a beer and pizza and instead left with the excitement to do something nice for someone. He sought me out for one last thank you and to assure me He was going to make someone’s day. Happy RAK week. 6 more to come 🙂
Comments 1
Love, love it!