It can’t be easy (rak #3)

GNHRT-BONES Derry 1 Comment

A few months ago, a family that is  long time regular visitors of Derry, lost their middle son to suicide. One of our servers, Amber, dated their oldest son, Tommy for many many years so she was extremely close to the family as were nearly all our bartenders. The loss of Joey was tremendous to this family and spread deeply throughout our store. When they visited Christie could tell his Mom had been crying and asked if I could do something. We made it very casual as to not stir up what was was already weighing on her but I went over and said I wanted to make a kind guesture to make them smile and ask them to do something nice for someone completely random with the same idea. I let them know I was hoping to keep up RAK week moving forward and hope she will come in to tell me their story. I said keep it on you and save it for when you want to pay it forward. Maybe on a really hard day she will remember she can do something completely random just for the sake of it and it will bring her happiness. It can’t be easy finding ways to make you smile when you don’t want to

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