Long way to go for a t-shirt

GNHRT-BONES Salem 1 Comment

Party of 6 joined us for lunch yesterday and when they finished, one man stopped by the host desk to inquire about seeing our t-shirt offerings. When I went to clarify, he said he really liked the design of ours and wanted one for his own. I managed to snag the last XL shirt we had for him and went back to the host desk, he was gone. I found him outside taking pictures with his family. I said now he had to take one with his new shirt, but he said, no, I first have to pay for it. That’s when I told him nope, it was a gift from T-Bones. He wasn’t sure about that at first, but I reassured him that it was indeed with our compliments. I found out his name is Mark and he travels from California to visit family once a year, and when he visits, he always wants to come here. Which isn’t an issue for his family, who are regulars. He was impressed with the gesture and thanked me profusely.

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