making good on a mess up

GNHR T-BONES Derry Leave a Comment

A bar couple regular, dined in the dining room this evening in order to have their favorite server Johnny. Several weeks ago they were waited on in the lounge by Russell. On both occasions we somehow managed to make an error on their petite cobb salad. Same error both times and I was managing on both nights. I know of another occasion they were unsatisfied but unsure of the details. Instead of just buying their salad and/or giving them a gift certificate I told them I wanted to thank them for their patience and understanding and continued support to try us again despite this error and yet they continue to remain loyal guests. They love our atmosphere, family of employees and almost always they are satisfied with their dining. I bought their dinner after given them a GC for our error and explained how our RAK program works. I told them they deserved something more than the usual thank you, here’s a GC and come again routine. They were astonished we go to these lengths and think its a wonderful concept. They hugged me and wished me a Happy Thanksgiving when they left tonight! So proud we have this program 🙂

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