Bicycle Boy

GNHRCactus Jack's Manchester 1 Comment

On Monday around 4pm a young man came in from the rain with his bicycle. He asked to be sat so he could get food. After being sat he explained to his server that he had a free appetizer coupon and he was just going to get that. Unfortunately, the coupon he had specified that you must purchase two entrees and he didn’t have the money to do so. The server and I decided to get him a soda and appetizer on the house since he traveled through the rain to come visit us CJ’s. He was so sweet and very thankful.

Mother Daughter Luncheon

GNHRCactus Jack's Manchester, RAK Leave a Comment

I picked at random today. I saw a mother and daughter having lunch and they were both laughing and enjoying one of our Max’d Margaritas. I thought YUP that’s the one for me. I went to the table with a $25 Gift Card and a Pay it Forward. They said that they had never seen that at restaurant before and were very impressed. It made their day and gave them an excuse to come and visit us again.

Forever Guest

GNHRCactus Jack's Manchester, RAK Leave a Comment

Elsie is a long time guest that I have waited on since back in my Bedford days. She comes at least 3 times a week and orders take out. She has recently been struggling and her son has been suffering through some medical issues. She came in yesterday to pick up her to go order and we had it covered. She was so shocked and sweet about it. She is one of our forever customers.

Bride to Be

GNHRCactus Jack's Manchester 1 Comment

We had a young lady come in today with her family and some friends to have lunch with us. They mentioned to their server Shawn that she is getting married tomorrow and the lunch was to gather everyone to go shopping for her final decorations. He saw that as a perfect opportunity to lighten her load and give her a Random Act of Kindness. We bought the group’s lunch and gave her a gift card to come back after their honeymoon. She was so excited she teared up and we could tell it helped ease a little stress during a busy time! So great to make an almost newlywed smile!

Restaurants Unite

GNHRT-BONES Derry 1 Comment

Great restaurants are often run by great people. Run by a family driven woman and named for her oldest daughter, Talia’s is no exception. I’ve heard great remarks about what a wonderful person she is. Decorated with family photos of her beautiful girls, she is always hands on in her store, friendly, and hard working. We wanted to share the love and show our support of another great restaurant. She was blown away, super appreciative and she looks forward to Paying it Forward.

50 Years Strong

GNHRT-BONES Derry Leave a Comment

The other day we had a couple dining and celebrating their life together. These two have been loyal patrons of Derry for years!!!! They enjoyed each other’s company for quite some time and loved to share with the staff how they were celebrating 50 wonderful years together. So we gave them a $50 Gift Card and asked them to come back to share more stories. They hugged me, their server, and Maria our hostess, whom over the years has become friendly with them. At more than 70 years old it was adorable to watch them leave holding hands as he escorted his wife to the car.

Thank You for Your Service

GNHRT-BONES Derry 1 Comment

Today my hostess Olivia asked if we could show our support to a local serviceman home to visit his fiancee. He had just finished his schooling and is currently stationed but home to visit and spend time with his fiancee. We thanked him for his service, took care of their meals, and asked them to Pay it Forward. They were grateful and left with big smiles, happy to provide someone a Random Act of Kindness.

Chatting Away!

GNHRCactus Jack's Manchester Leave a Comment

Was walking through the bar tonight and noticed a sweet couple chatting away. They looked like they were enjoying themselves as they sipped on their drinks. I wanted to make their day a bit more special and decided to RAK them. I surprised them with a $25 gift card for their next experience and chatted with them for a few moments. I kindly asked them to Pay It Forward with an additional certificate so they could make someone else’s day! They were shocked by the kindness and thrilled to be able to pass along the joy!

32nd Anniversary

GNHRT-BONES Derry Leave a Comment

Kris had a couple on the Patio today that was celebrating their 32nd Anniversary. Brian and Mike have been a couple for 32 years and celebrated their big day at T-BONES. We took care of their tab and they were very appreciative. I am sure that they will Pay it Forward.