Tonight I had a nice lady come in. She said to me “this is probably a weird request but can I get a large bag of popcorn to go?” I told her that is not weird request at all and I would be happy to. She told me that her best friend’s husband is in the hospital with pancreatic cancer and they always came in just the four of them and absolutely loved our popcorn. I proceeded to get the popcorn and gave her an extra bag. I brought it out to her letting her know it was on the house and to please tell her best friend’s husband that T-BONES hopes for a fast recovery so we can see him in here again healthy and happy eating our popcorn. She was so excited she almost started crying and she said this is why they always come to T-BONES. I gave her the Pay It Forward gift card and she said she knows the perfect person to give it to.

Comments 1
GREAT one Tina!