Save a Life

GNHRRAK, T-BONES Bedford 2 Comments

Had a scary situation at the restaurant today. A man began to choke on his bread and was in a panic. Had another guest immediately spring into action and assist the man with the Heimlich Maneuver and dislodged the bread. The staff handled the entire situation great and came to get me immediately. I came around the corner just as the one man was saving the other! After all of the excitement, I was able to speak with both tables, and found out the rescuer was actually a retired NYC Fire Fighter who was more than happy to assist when he is needed. I bought lunch for him and his wife. The man who had been choking also thanked the man over and over. I also gave a Pay It Forward to the rescuer who was very thankful for all we had done for him and his wife. He said he was just reacting to a situation he knew all too well and had been trained to handle.

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