Sometimes it gets worse first…

GNHRRAK 1 Comment

Sometimes it gets worse first, then it gets way better! On Saturday night these 2 young men came in to our lounge to grab a drink and dinner to end a bad day. The lounge was packed so they waited at the standing area and had a beer. Right as their table was ready one of the men spilled his entire beer all over the place. He was pretty bummed out about making a mess and spilling his beer but we assured him it wasn’t a big deal and got him situated at his table with a new one. Upon Ashlie waiting on him, she discovered that the men just got back from a car repair shop because they had a tire blow out and had to get all new tires! They expressed how much they were ready for it to be tomorrow already. Ashlie felt that we couldn’t let them go home after such a bad day and in a bad mood, so she asked to pick up their tab. I went over and explained to them that the bill was on us and how they can Pay It Forward and they were beyond grateful and more than willing to pay ti forward!

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