Date night

GNHRRAK, T-BONES Derry 1 Comment

One of my servers, Lindsey, came to me to let me know that she had a table on date night. They have 4 kids at home, and whenever possible, they get a babysitter and come to T-Bones. I introduced myself to Shelly and Jesse, and explained the Random Act of kindness. they were thrilled. Shelly was very excited to Pay it forward.

Happy Birthday Mom

GNHRT-BONES Derry 1 Comment

I have a small group of ladies that come to Derry every other week. This week, it was one of the ladies birthday. Ellen’s daughter called in the morning, and explained that she would like to buy her Mother’s dinner. I had not done my RAK for the week, and I thought that it was very thoughtful for Ellen’s daughter Christine to call and buy her mom lunch. I explained to Christine how nice I thought it was for her to hook Mom up, and decided to RAK the table. Needless to say, Ellen and the table were blown away, and Christine was as well.

Derry Regulars

GNHRT-BONES Derry 1 Comment

Today in Derry my RAK went to a regulars that visit the lounge often. Steve and his Mother were in for lunch. I had never been introduced to them by name, although I have seen them in here a lot. I explained the Random promotion, and they were very happy to have been chosen. I am sure that they will Pay it Forward.