They Really Meant “I do!”

GNHRT-BONES Derry Leave a Comment

Lindsey had a party come in this week to celebrate their anniversary. She thought that it was a good RAK opportunity. I introduced myself to Bill and Judy, and found out that they were celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. I explained the RAK, and they were thrilled. I am sure that they will choose wisely when Paying it Forward. Thanks Lindsey.

32nd Anniversary

GNHRT-BONES Derry Leave a Comment

Kris had a couple on the Patio today that was celebrating their 32nd Anniversary. Brian and Mike have been a couple for 32 years and celebrated their big day at T-BONES. We took care of their tab and they were very appreciative. I am sure that they will Pay it Forward.

Wow!!!! 62 Years!

GNHRT-BONES Derry 1 Comment

My RAK from last week went to Gary and Clarisse. Their server Tina let me know that they were in for a pre-celebration. They came in for lunch to celebrate their 62nd wedding anniversary a couple of days early. They were very excited that we hooked them up. It has only been a couple of days and I received in the mail today a thank you card. I am sure that they will Pay it Forward. I love that our managers take advantage of the RAK program to make someone’s day.

Old Friends

GNHRT-BONES Derry 1 Comment

Today, I chose a table at random. I saw a couple of older ladies having a long leisurely lunch. I chose them. Sandy and Diane were very happy to hear about our random acts. They said that their lunch was delicious, and the they love T-Bones. I have no doubt that they will pay it forward.


GNHRT-BONES Derry 1 Comment

Today I had alady named Mary that found it in her heart to pay a tab for one of our guests that was dining alone. The lone diner was very appreciative and happy to have recevied this act of kindness. It was a no brainer for me today to pick Mary as my random act. I gave her a gift certificate for her next visit, and a RAK GC to pass along in the community. She was very impressed with the fact that we do random acts every week. i am sure that she willl pay it forward.

Taking Mom Out

GNHRT-BONES Derry 1 Comment

In Derry we have a son that brings his mom out to lunch 3 to 5 times per week. Eugene and Anne have been coming here for years. They are such nice people and I chose them as my RAK this week. They were so appreciative! I am sure that they will pass along the gift certificate to make someone else’s day. It is such a great promotion to let our guests know that we truly appreciate their business.

Happy Birthday Mom

GNHRT-BONES Derry 1 Comment

I have a small group of ladies that come to Derry every other week. This week, it was one of the ladies birthday. Ellen’s daughter called in the morning, and explained that she would like to buy her Mother’s dinner. I had not done my RAK for the week, and I thought that it was very thoughtful for Ellen’s daughter Christine to call and buy her mom lunch. I explained to Christine how nice I thought it was for her to hook Mom up, and decided to RAK the table. Needless to say, Ellen and the table were blown away, and Christine was as well.


GNHRT-BONES Derry 1 Comment

Tonight in Derry, one of my servers Jamie let me know that she had a couple, dining with their son that were celebrating 56 years of marriage. Needless to say, that is pretty impressive. I took up their tab for them, and they were blown away. they could not thank us enough for the kindness shown.

Semper Fi

GNHRRAK, T-BONES Derry 1 Comment

I had an older gentleman and his daughter in for dinner tonight. He normally goes to T-Bones in Hudson, but was in the Derry area tonight, so decided to come to Derry. He engaged  his server Trisha in conversation about his military service, and the fact that he was so proud to have served his country. We thought that he would be a great candidate to RAK. I took care of their meal, and explained the promotion. They were very happy to have been chosen. I also explained the Military discount on Tuesdays, and the promotion for tomorrow.

Pay it Back to Pay it Forward

GNHRRAK, T-BONES Derry 1 Comment

My RAK this week went to Amanda and Shelly. They are the owner, and one of the server/part-time managers at Maddie’s in Salem They are two of the kindest people I know. My father in law goes to Maddie’s almost every day, and they treat him like a king. I took up their tab today, and Shelly was very happy to get the Pay it Forward gift certificate. Come to find out, that about 4 months ago, some one gave her a Pay it Forward certificate, so she was very happy to get the chance to Pay it Forward.