Stormy Skies Finally Clear

GNHRCopper Door, RAK Leave a Comment

My RAK this evening went to a very deserving couple!!! They had planned a date night and it all went to ruin! First their babysitter bailed and then while on a motorcycle ride and it stormed so they were soaked when they finally arrived. When they stopped, the restaurant they went to was closing. They called and asked if we were still open, and were pleasantly surprised when we were. We brought them a couple blankets, and we bought their dinner and dessert! They were so very grateful!! To have a bummer night turn into a great one was just what they needed!! They raved about the food and service!! Tina made their night!!  When I told them to pass it on they were so happy to oblige!! Today was their second time in and vow it won’t be the last!! It was so great to have made their night!!  

Copper Anniversary!

GNHRCopper Door 1 Comment

My RAK tonight went to Mrogan and Jen Cline! They celebrated the Ten year “Copper ” Anniversary with us tonight! They were so sweet!! When I brought over a GC and explained our mission and the intention of RAK, they were over come with emotion!! Morgan Huged me, and Jen got teary, and then I got teary!! They said it was the nicest thing anyone has every done for them! They continued to tell me that Copper Door is their favorite, and that they couldn’t have been happier with their experience here thus far!! They also could not believe that we wanted them to pass it on as well!! I feel so proud to be part of a company that gives back to the customers, and community the way GNHR does! Its a great feeling!!