On Thanksgiving Eve we had some regulars Dennis and Pricilla at the bar and I overheard them telling another guest that she cooked 2 turkeys and 20 pounds of mashed potatoes and vegetables to donate. She delivered 1 turkey and the sides to the Bedford liberty house and also the other turkey off at a homeless shelter. I proceeded to talk to her about what an amazing thing she was doing by feeding the veterans and homeless. I knew I needed to do something for them. We bought their dinners and gave them a gift certificate for their next visit and also the RAK 25.00 to give to someone. When they received all of this they both cried and was extremely thankful. Since then I have talked to them and found out that they donated the gift certificate to a volunteer at the shelter. Its people like this that make the world a better place.
Comments 1
Really Great Tina <3!