turned her day around

GNHRT-BONES Derry 1 Comment

Jenny approached me after becoming aware that a woman at her table clearly was in distress. Two women were waiting for the third and fourth person to join their table.  A highchair awaited one of them. After a short while a woman joined the party in tears. We don’t know the complete dynamics of what happened before she joined her friends but she wasn’t able to have her child with her tonight and Jenny overheard she wasn’t sure she could join her friends for dinner clearly stressed about payment for her meal. We wanted to do something to make her day and allow her some moments of happiness regardless of how brief they were. We decided to give her a GC to use tonight and one to join us again. She broke down in tears hugging Jenny and let us know that it was truly a remarkable thing we were doing because she couldn’t begin to express how terrible she felt in life at this time. The women left Jenny a wonderful note expressing how we turned someone’s day around and made an impression we aren’t able to even comprehend.

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