Puppies First Visit

GNHRRAK, T-BONES Bedford 1 Comment

Had a family sit on the terrace tonight. It was their second visit, however it was the first visit for their 3 month old Husky, still fluffy with puppy fur. They loved the fact they were able to bring their new edition to the family, only the second day with her, to a dog friendly restaurant and sit in the sun and even have a dog menu. They were very impressed with the service they received as well as the food, especially for the pup. I informed other staff members of the puppy and everyone wanted to see her as well. The family was even more grateful when I told them their new edition to the family had prompted me to choose them for my Random Act of Kindness. I gave them a $25 Gift Card for a future visit, and a Pay It Forward to give someone else, they said they would find another family with a dog so they could bring theirs in as well. Awesome family and such an adorable puppy.

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