Thanksgiving Dinner is Served

GNHRRAK, T-BONES Derry Leave a Comment

I wanted to share a special RAK I did today.  A woman called today and asked if we delivered.  She had just gotten out of the hospital and her husband was away and wouldn’t be home for Thanksgiving.  She ordered a Turkey dinner for tomorrow and we delivered it to her doorstep and picked up the cost.  She started crying and said it was the nicest thing anyone has ever done to her.  Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Upstanding Young Man

GNHRRAK, T-BONES Salem Leave a Comment

My RAK for the week went to a young man named Kyle. I overheard him talking about his day at school Friday and how one of his friends didn’t bring a lunch and had no money to get anything. Kyle described how he bought a lunch sampler because he knew it had enough food to share with his friend, and that’s what he did. What a great act on his part, so I took care of Kyle’s dinner and gave him a gift certificate to come back. He was very excited about getting the GC!