first timers/life timers

GNHRT-BONES Derry 1 Comment

Tina came to me the other day and said she had a couple visiting us for the first time. They weren’t new to the area just never visited us before. They were so happy with our burgers to start. She had never had a burger like ours. The way she described the perfectly cooked, flavorful and juicy burger is exactly why we have been NH’s Best Burger for more than a decade. They said we made regular guests out of them or sure and can’t wait to  come back. That just made me want to wow them even more. So I bought their Buffalo Wings they also raved about and gave them a couple GCs to  come back and get a couple burgers or appetizers on us. It’s always great to make someone’s day and know they will return eagerly because we set ourselves above the rest.

pharmacy school here he comes

GNHRT-BONES Derry Leave a Comment

Tonight a family was out sending off their son as he embarks on his first adventure in New York attending school for pharmacology. I’ve seen some pretty surprised and grateful people over the times i’ve done a RAK, but this family was so overly enthusiastic and wow’d. We made them speechless and giddy with their experience tonight. It was adorable to witness.

96 and going strong

GNHRT-BONES Derry 1 Comment

We had two young ladies dining in the restaurant the other day. Every Wednesday one of the ladies tends to this older woman as a visiting service. She asks her each week where would you like to go today and without hesitation she declares T-Bones. So of course, especially  when you turn 96 years old there is no option but to honor her request. So the two enjoyed a great meal. Danika took wonderful care of her and we just had to give her an even better Bday by purchasing their meals. They left looking forward to sharing the GC we gave her and she said don’t worry i’ll be back next Wednesday.

sweet little lady sick of it all

GNHRT-BONES Derry 2 Comments

The other day I had an older woman come in to dine by herself. I led her to her seat and could tell she was looking to “vent” a little. She had come from a funeral earlier that day and didn’t want to go home just yet. Her son, who happens to be the same age as me, lives at her home with his girlfriend and a combined 3 kids between the two. They don’t help her out, kids don’t help her out, and they don’t pay any rent. She is still taking care of “everyone”. She continued to tell me how proud my mother must be that I have it so together…..(little does she know- i’m a hot mess between my hours and kids schedules hahahaha) Needless to say, I sat with her for a few minutes and let her talk. She thanked me for my time and was so grateful for some company. Kris took great care of her. I let him know ahead of time I wanted to make her day so he doted on her and made her feel extra special. He and I went over to share the good news. I told her she deserved to let people take care of her every once in awhile and our great GNHR family allows us to do just that. I asked her to keep on with the kindness and pay it forward to someone she wishes. With tears in her eyes she hugged me. blessed me asked my name so she could pray for me. We definitely impressed this kind woman and made her day

Welcoming Back Our Regulars!

GNHRT-BONES Derry 1 Comment

We had a couple that comes in often, they usually sit at the same table in the dining room and don’t need menus because they always know what they are getting! They are usually here at least once a week for an early dinner. Myself and some servers had noticed it had been quite some time since we saw them, then they returned! After going to a doctors appointment they stopped in for some dinner. The woman at the table expressed to me how much she missed the food and all the staff, but her husband underwent some extensive medical treatments, and he was finally on the road to recovery. It was a really nice reunion. Many servers stopped and said hello. We took care of there meal and asked them to Pay It Forward with a RAK certificate. We were all happy to see each other again!  

Home from the Hospital

GNHRCactus Jack's Manchester 1 Comment

I answered the phone today for a takeout and immediately recognized the voice. It was an old coworker who has become very ill recently. After taking the order I inquired to how she was feeling and she told me she was on her way home from the hospital. When her husband came inside to pay I let him know it was on the house today and to make sure he Paid it Forward for us! They were absolutely delighted and very thankful!

Good Intentions

GNHRT-BONES Derry 2 Comments

The other night two young men were out enjoying a few drinks.  When the time came for the bill to be paid, one of the young men had found he did not have his credit card. The other had $40 on him but this young man was clearly distraught, embarrassed, and panicked over not knowing where it was. He tried to pay what he could and asked if he could call in with his card if he was able to find it. He lived nearby and wanted to make good on the bill. I told him to keep the cash. If he was unable to locate the card I didn’t want him without any money in his pocket and let him know he could reach me by phone. He called less than 15 minutes later and said he had his brother’s credit card and could pay for it. I was impressed by this young man’s integrity and need to do the right thing. His little brother could pay for the majority of the tab but not all of it. At this time I told him “you know what, I’m really happy you are trying to do the right thing and because of our company’s desire to share Random Acts of Kindness, I am in the position to do something for you tonight and alleviate at least some stress by taking care of the tab”. He just couldn’t believe it. The two boys were on the phone together and just couldn’t stop thanking me and apologizing for not coming out prepared. He continued to offer to pay when he found it and really wanted to make good on the debt but I assured him that it was a clean slate and he could rest easy about it.  I asked him to share the Act of Kindness and Pay it Forward. That’s when I could hear the sincerity when they both thanked me and said “You know what? This kind of stuff just doesn’t happen and it’s really an incredible feeling, honestly. Thank you.”