Clocking in for the Holidays

GNHRRAK, T-BONES Salem 1 Comment

Tonight we had a family come in to dine with us, both Mom and Dad are nurses at Lawrence General. In talking with them, comparing notes since we were both parents of 10 month old daughters, I found out that Mom was working Thanksgiving, and Dad is pulling the x-mas shift. My mom was a nurse growing up, so I understand the shifts they pull and its tough. I bought them dinner, and gave them a GC so after the holidays they might be able to start a new tradition of joining us for a nice meal. Mom cried (self proclaimed preganancy hormones with another little one on the way) and dad was very grateful. Hope they get to have a nice holiday together at some point.

making good on a mess up

GNHRT-BONES Derry Leave a Comment

A bar couple regular, dined in the dining room this evening in order to have their favorite server Johnny. Several weeks ago they were waited on in the lounge by Russell. On both occasions we somehow managed to make an error on their petite cobb salad. Same error both times and I was managing on both nights. I know of another occasion they were unsatisfied but unsure of the details. Instead of just buying their salad and/or giving them a gift certificate I told them I wanted to thank them for their patience and understanding and continued support to try us again despite this error and yet they continue to remain loyal guests. They love our atmosphere, family of employees and almost always they are satisfied with their dining. I bought their dinner after given them a GC for our error and explained how our RAK program works. I told them they deserved something more than the usual thank you, here’s a GC and come again routine. They were astonished we go to these lengths and think its a wonderful concept. They hugged me and wished me a Happy Thanksgiving when they left tonight! So proud we have this program 🙂

Day of thanks came early

GNHRT-BONES Derry 1 Comment

Sue and Rick Selfridge have been visiting Derry since the day we opened. Prior to that they were faithful Hudson regulars. When we opened their oldest grandson Kyle became a busser and we have won them over for life ever since. They are one of our staple regulars known for chatting up other guests as Sue walks through the dining room, doting on babies and seeking out employees to say her hellos and goodbyes. They are well loved! Their surprise could not be replicated when I told them I had taken care of their bill and only asked in return they seek out someone to perform a Random Act of Kindness with the GC I presented. It will be a moment they won’t forget. They were so stunned and grateful to be chosen and I am grateful I was able to give them that. It was the perfect way to kick off the holiday season for both the Selfridges and myself as I have got to know Sue and Rick and their extended family  pretty well over the last 12 years.

Pit Stop – Before Heading HOME!

GNHRT-BONES Hudson 1 Comment

Today I was happy to see a long time friend (25 years) out for lunch today – Derek and his wife Heather.  Derek was released from rehab today after having a second stroke (both before the age of 40).  The food hasn’t been great at rehab so he wanted his first meal out to be T-BONES.  It was great to sit with the two of them and go over old times when we did theater together.  You’d swear we were brothers back then!   He and his wife were thrilled to hear that I was taking care of their tab and can’t wait to come back again and Pay it Forward to someone else!  Keep on getting better D!

I’ve got that Scouting spirit

GNHRT-BONES Salem 1 Comment

On Veteran’s Day, a Scout came in to pick up some take out fully dressed in his uniform. I started chatting with him, to find out that he had spent the day with his troop at the VA hospital volunteering, was going to camp out overnight, and then participate in the annual Scouting for Food event held in town. Overall, this young man was spending his weekend serving others.  I hooked him up with his take out dinner and wished him well on his journey towards Eagle.

Semper Fi

GNHRRAK, T-BONES Derry 1 Comment

I had an older gentleman and his daughter in for dinner tonight. He normally goes to T-Bones in Hudson, but was in the Derry area tonight, so decided to come to Derry. He engaged  his server Trisha in conversation about his military service, and the fact that he was so proud to have served his country. We thought that he would be a great candidate to RAK. I took care of their meal, and explained the promotion. They were very happy to have been chosen. I also explained the Military discount on Tuesdays, and the promotion for tomorrow.

Paying it Forward and Forward Again

GNHRT-BONES Hudson 1 Comment

A man came in and was asking how he could order some food to go for some friends that are going through a tough time. One of his friends has cancer, and the husband was too old to keep up with everything. The man thought it would be great if they had a “home cooked” meal from T-Bones. I told him I was taking care of the food and I thanked him for being so thoughtful for thinking of his friends. He shook my hand ,thanked me, and told me I made his day.

Faithful Regulars

GNHRT-BONES Derry 1 Comment

I  missed my RAK last week and when a family that visits us at least 3-4 times a week came in tonight I thought it would be great to surprise them. I’ve had the privilege to get to know this wonderful family over the years when I was a server and love that I can give back to them this way. Steve Burl owns a mechanic shop in Derry and recently had his lift break and nearly kill him while damaging an expensive vehicle he was working on. Through friends I learned they were struggling a bit. I brought them out a $50 GC  and accompanied the certificate with a pint of Buffalo Sauce and Ranch Dressing for their middle child Sammy and a big bag of popcorn for their little girl Sophia. They are loyal guests who take time to give us positive reviews on media sites and comment on other posts regarding our excellent standards and service. They speak highly of our establishment and our “family” and I love that we make them feel that every time they visit us!