A couple was dining in our restaurant tonight. I knew them years ago. They are high school sweethearts, class of 1994. Friday nights in high school were often spent on the football field cheering on our very talented athletic classmates- Pinkerton was notorious for winning. 25 years later they were waiting for their girls to enjoy their time at the Mack Plack football game (a rival annual game between Londonderry and Derry). It occurred to me how many years they have been together and it is not every day you see high school sweetheart still enjoying each other after more than two decades. I sadly haven’t done many RAKs lately and although yesterday I made a serviceman’s afternoon, I wanted to keep it going and bought their dinner. They were of course surprised and grateful. It’s always a wonderful feeling to be responsible for that kind of unexpected event happening from just sitting down and having a meal.
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