moms need to help other moms

GNHRT-BONES Derry 1 Comment

The other day a young lady came in with her child. She was taking home food for her and her two daughters. She had placed her order as a walk in and while waiting was going to pay. After everything was ordered and almost finished she learned her Gift Certificates did not have enough money on them and her credit cards declined. Maria our host came to find me and let know what had happened. We determined we would take care of her anyway. She was expecting to take only one item home and she had put back the take out glass soda bottles her kids wanted. Our Kitchen Manager came up and gave her the item she expected and I came behind with the rest of the food and let the kids pick sodas. I could tell she was embarrassed and kept saying it wasn’t necessary. I let her know we take care of our guests and told her to save the gift certificate she had for a rainy day and enjoy lunch on us today. The kids left grinning with their orange soda bottles

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